- 7-2 (571-600) 20/30
- 同じ場所、同じ条件でやっているにもかかわらず、平日とは全然集中力が違う。やっぱり疲れているようだ。
- what about: 〜はどうなったんだ?
- I know the government must do something about the recession but what about the tax burden on future generation?
- I know the information is classified, so to which members of the organization can we talk about it?
- We can talk about it to those members of ...を思うこと。
- When you want to the gym yesterda, (who) was teaching the aerobics class?
- 主語になる必要があり、whoはその条件を満たすという発想で考える。
- make sure to do 〜 かならず〜する
- principal: 校長
- For what reason do you think the principal called us to his office?
- Y/Nで答えられる質問ではないので、thinkのかわりにknowを書くことはNG
- taint: the appearance of being related to somethig shameful or terrible.
- how far -> 距離、how long -> 時間
- What issue was every one arguing about?
- argue with 人
- argue about 事象
- モラル
- morale: the level of confidence and positive feelings, especially among a bgroup of people who work together, belonging to the same team etc
- moral: principles of standard of good behavior, especially in matters of sex
- How many people have you already replied to the conference invitation?
- you -> 削除
- 根拠は、目的語の有無
- そういう観点で見ないとダメなんだって
- plumber: someone whose job is to repair water pipes, bath, sinks etc
- The plumber was unable to discover what had caused the leak that had flood the kitchen floor.
- Who from the class is prepared to go to the pri