- 前回受験したのが7月末だから、かれこれ4ヶ月ぶりに受験票を受け取りました。
- なかなか開封できないと思って力を込めて引っ張ったら、「切り離さずに会場にお持ちください」となっているところが思いっきりちぎれた。orz
- まあ、片割れを無くさなければ何とかなるだろう。
- 8-2 631-660 23/30
- 微妙だ...
- reinforce: to give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling, and make it stronger
- Conclusions from the report have been reinforced by more recent studies.
- The woman called City Hall to try to find out a coupleof pieces of information.
- That warehouse store over there mean the station sells a great deal of merchandice(UC) at unbelievably low prices.
- Tomorrow is Sunday. == It is Sunday tomorrow.
- tidy up: きれいにする
- the others: 残りの全ての人
- ●●● + ○○○...○
- ○は範囲が明確に特定されていて、そこに属する全ての人をさす。
- It is time for 人 to do
- It is time for all new students to go and meet the principal.
- Name of the children in the school wanted either teacher to leave, but numbers...
- Three of us share this office but fortunately neither of the others smokes.
- 三人いて、自分以外には二人しかいないと明確に範囲指定されているので、neitherでうける。
- スポーツは無冠詞
- I enjoyed playing valleyball very much.
- tights, trouses -> 足は二本あるから複数形なんだって。
- put a run in 〜を伝線させる
- I've just put a run in my tights, and I don't have time to by any more before the party.
- something -> some things
- He couldn't eat some food due to allergies, but there were still some things that were OK.
- allergy[c,uc]: a medical condition in which you become ill or in which your skin becomes red and painful because you have eaten certain food, touched certain things etc.
- Do you suffer from any allergies?
- 痛くなるよりは、かゆくなる方が多いんじゃないかなあ。アナフィラキシーショックだとそんなこと言ってられないだろうけど。
- ○ was a successful meeting we had last Friday, wasnt it?
- ○を推測するパーツとして、付加疑問文のitにも目を向けること。
- fussy: too concerned or worried about small, unsually unpleasant details, and difficult to please
- Leona was fussy about her looks.
- Most of the politicians who are fighting this election haven't mae any effort to present their policies.
- None of the politicians who are fighting this election hasn't made any effort to present their policies.
- Noneが三人称として使われることはチェキ。
- Although the soccer club denied any wrongdoing, one of its players was taken into cuotody for questioning.
- take 人 into custody 人を拘留する
- another 4 hours -> 4 more hours
- Some of the products will not work in this .. due to voltage supply diffefence but the others should be OK.
- ある集合に対して、
- 特定部分はSOMEで表し、
- その補集合はTHE OTHERESで表すみたいですね。:-)
- こういう表現は数学的な表現の本を参照してみるとよさそうだ。
- ある集合に対して、