- 6-2 (511-540) 21/30
- 前回やった効果がもろに現れているぞ。:-)
- land: informal to succeed in getting a job, that ws difficult to get
- Fay land a plum job with BB.
- plum: a plum job a good, well-paid, and easy job that other people wish they had
- Fay land a plum job with BB.
- cushy: informal very easy
- I wish I had a nice cushy job like her.
- If
- 直説法 -> あり得る話 -> if節が現在形
- 仮定法 -> あり得ない話
- If you should see him when you visit the palnt next week.
- tell him to give us a call sometime.
- If only I had bought my camera with me. The scenery is absolutely specutacular.
- If only SV == I wish SV
- 現在、未来の話 -> 過去形
- 過去の話 -> 過去完了形
- If only SV == I wish SV
- as if 〜 まるで〜の様に
- 直説法、間接法共にOK
- ifをみてまず思うべき事 -> 「模試」か「〜かどうか」のどちらの意味か?
- You could ask my friend if he car give youa lifet to the ...
- could 「〜することもできますよ」 提案
- if節があり得る話 -> 直説法
- 起こりえるといった方がよいのかな
- if説があり得ない話 -> 仮定法
- sound -> as if とかlikeをとる。thatはだめ。
- From the way he's talking, it sounds like (as if) he had no choice but to accept the transfer.
- unruly: behaving in an uncontrolled or violent way
- pristine: extremely fresh or clean
- in pristine condition: in the same condition as when it was made.
- Part 25,26
- この本やるの、久しぶりだなあ。orz
- blockbuster: informal a book or film that is very good or successful
- the latest blockbuster from Hollywood
- make or break: 人の運命を左右する
- What the critics say can make or break a younger actor.
- above all: とりわけ
- Above all, remember to send us your comment.
- industory: 勤勉という意味があるらしい
- industorious:
- trait: formal a particular quality in someone's charactor
- Anne's generousity is one of her most pleasing traits.
- pursue: to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a living period of time
- box-office: used to describe how successful a film, or actor is, by the number of people who pay to see him
- go though the roof
- give -- one's best shot
- I will give the next tournament my best shot.
- mesmerize: to make someone feel that the must watch or listen to something or someone because they are so interested in it or attracted by it
- He was mesmerized by her charm and beauty.
- get-up-and-go
- I'm afraid my "get-up-and-go" got up and went.