TOEIC 4/19


  • PartIVに出る核心語彙、表現61選
  • PartV,VI,VIIに出る核心語彙、表現100選(途中)
  • やはりこの本、注意してかからないととんでもない翻訳が多い。むしろ超訳だろ、これは。学習書でそれはあり得ません。
  • 長文を読むには困らない程度には意味が分かっても、単体での意味を厳密に答えられない来い本単語が多い。これを機に、全部復習してしまおう。
  • 妙に時間が長く感じた。:-)
  • 今週中に一通り終わるので、あとはCDを使って耳から頭に入れて行くべし。
    • bid: an offer to pay a particular price for something, especially at an auction1
    • spacious: a spacious house, room etc is large and has plenty of space to move around in - spaciously adverb - spaciousness noun [uncountable]
    • facilitate: to make it easier for a process or activity to happen - facilitation
    • voucher: a kind of ticket that can be used instead of money for a particular purpose -see also luncheon�voucher
      • スキー旅行でよく受け取っていたバウチャー券って、こういう意味だったのか。orz
    • surpass: to be even better or greater than someone or something else
    • feature: a part of something that you notice because it seems important, interesting, or typical
    • exceptional: unusually good
    • renovate: to repair and paint a building so that it is in good condition again - renovation /"ren@'veISFn/ noun [uncountable]
    • acknowledge: SHOW THANKS FOR to publicly announce that you are grateful for the help that someone has given you
    • intensive: involving a lot of activity, effort, or careful attention in a short period of time
    • autograph: a famous person's signature that they give to someone who admires them
    • splendid: excellent or very fine
    • admission: [uncountable] permission given to someone to enter or become a member of a school, club, building etc
    • insight: [uncountable] the ability to understand and realize what people or situations are really like
    • mandatory: something that is mandatory must be done because the law says it must be done; compulsory, obligatory
    • cordially: in a friendly but polite and formal way