TOEIC 4/25



  • 目標
    • 880点
    • 3/27の結果に対してLCで+100、RCで+30
    • 予定より20点高かったので、そのまま上方修正
  • やること
  • やるべきこと
    • 辞書を調べたら、手書きで紙に書き込む
    • hatenaに単語を書き込む時、英辞朗からのコピペをやめて、手書きのメモから写す
    • かなり有効だと思っていましたが、面倒で実行できずにおりました...orz


  • 第3部第2章まぎらわしいTOEIC頻出語彙31選
  • すっ飛ばしていたことに気づいたので取りかかったが、どうにも見づらい。
    1. 訳文を信用できない
    2. 解説に書かれていない用法を例文に出してくる
    3. 結果、全部辞書を引く羽目になる
  • 辞書を引くことはかまわんですが、レイアウトがダメダメ。いっそのこと、単語と例文だけで解説が全くない方がよいくらい。
  • セレクトされている単語は重要そうなだけに残念。語彙が必要になった時点で戻ってくることにして、いったん飛ばす。
  • 結局、この本の最大の魅力は第3部第3章の「Part別TOEIC核心語彙361選」ということかな。CDROMと連携しているので、紙に書くのとは別の切り口で記憶に残る。


  • resemble: to look like, or be similar to, someone or something
  • condusive: be conducive to formal if a situation is conducive to something such as work, rest etc, it provides conditions that make it easy for you to work etc
  • adverse: not favourable
  • averse: not be averse to used to say that someone likes to do something sometimes, especially something that is slightly wrong or bad for them
  • advert: to prevent something unpleasant from happening
  • modest: unwilling to talk proudly about your abilities and achievements
  • expedition: [countable] a long journey, especially one made by a group of people, to a place that is dangerous or that has not been visited before
  • solvent: having enough money to pay your debts -opposite insolvent
  • solvent: a liquid that is able to turn a solid substance into liquid
  • soluble: a soluble substance can be dissolved (dissolve (1)) in a liquid
  • resolute: doing something in a very determined way because you have very strong beliefs, aims etc
  • submerge: [intransitive, transitive] to go under the surface of water, or to put something under water or another liquid
  • remit: [intransitive, transitive] to send a payment by post
  • emit: to send out heat, light, gas etc
  • deduct: to take away an amount or part from a total; subtract
  • immerse: especially technical to put someone or something deep into a liquid so that it is completely covered
  • bachelor: a man who has never been married
  • depose: to remove a king, queen, or ruler from a position of power
  • disposed: well/favourably/kindly disposed (to) liking or approving of someone or something such as an idea or plan
  • collate: formal to gather information together, examine it carefully, and compare it with other information to find any differences
  • collateral: property or other goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay back the money they lent you; security (4)
  • fabric: [countable, uncountable] cloth used to make clothes, curtains etc; material-see clothes
  • fabrication: [uncountable] technical the process of making or producing something
  • fabulous: extremely good or impressive