

  • マークミスを3箇所発見。スコア換算で10-20点程度損していることになる。模擬試験をやるたびに必ず発見するので、本番でもやっていたものと思われる...orz
  • norとnotの見間違えによるマークミスも発見。○| ̄|_
  • Part5,6に未来完了形の設問が多いのは何故だ?
  • Part6、答えは合っていても思考過程が間違っているもの多数。
    • compel: to force someone to do something
    • synthetic: produced by combining different artificial substances, rather than being naturally produced synthetic
    • defer: to delay something until a later date
    • infer: to form an opinion that something is probably true because of other information that you already know
    • confer: [intransitive] to discuss something with other people, so that everyone can express their opinions and decide on something
    • inculcate: to fix ideas, principles etc in someone's mind
    • enclose: to put something inside an envelope as well as a letter
    • hostility: [uncountable] a feeling or attitude that is extremely unfriendly
    • hull: the main part of a ship
    • lucrative: a job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money; profitable
    • payoff: a payment that you make to someone in order to stop them from causing you any trouble, or when you make them leave their job
    • take -- for granted: 予想する
    • authorship: 1 the fact that you have written a particular book, document etc 2 formal the profession of writing books
    • vigorous/vigor: using a lot of energy and strength or determination
    • alarm/be alarmd to: [uncountable] a feeling of fear or anxiety because something dangerous might happen
    • in the year 1942
    • senate/senator: [singular] one of the two parts of the government that has the power to make laws, in countries such as the US, Australia, and France, which is smaller than the other part but has a higher rank
    • undergo: if you undergo a change, an unpleasant experience etc, it happens to you, or is done to you
    • such -- that
    • erratic: erratic actions, movements etc seem to have no pattern or plan - erratically /」kli/ adverb
    • grace under pressure
    • dietry: related to someone's diet
    • drowsy/drowsiness: tired and almost asleep, usually because of food, drugs, or because you are in a warm place
    • rash: a lot of red spots on someone's skin, caused by an illness
    • solicit: formal to ask someone for money, help, or information
  • p.48 Part7 Q161は納得がいかん。
    • 下記の設問(横棒グラフ)に対して、"What is the main purpose of the graph?"を問う問題。
    • 解答には"To compare seafood consumption among various countries."が正解と書いてある。
    • グラフからそんなことは読み取れません。これだけはあり得ないと思って他の選択肢をマークしたら結局はずれてるって...なんだ、それ。
      • "Parsentage of Total Calories Obtained from seafood"
      • No.1 何処かの国 10.9%
      • No.2 日本 6.3%
      • ibid.
  • 今回の教訓は、やる気、緊張感、集中力がそろってないとケアレスミスを頻発して自爆する、と。


  • 2-2,2-3の復習、計80問。
  • 今更ながら...
    • Part5とPart6で問われる知識の違いを意識した上で解答に望むべし。
      • Part5: (普通の意味で)語法、語彙、文法など
      • Part6: 簡単な語法、正しい品詞・語形など、基本的な内容に関する知識。つまり、Part6で深読みしようと試みてはいけません。
    • Part6を解答する前に、一通り設問奉膳遺体に目を通すべし。前半で答えと決めつけてマークしたら、実は後半が正解だったというパターンが多すぎ。
    • remit/remittance: to send a payment by post
    • allot/allotment
    • revoke: to officially state that a law, decision, contract etc is no longer effective; cancel
    • reticent:unwilling to talk about what you feel or what you know
    • fill in
    • boon: something that is very useful and makes your life a lot easier
    • peril: [uncountable] literary great danger, especially of being harmed or killed
    • procession: a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony
    • awkward: making you feel so embarrassed that you are not sure what to do or say
    • get stack in traffic
    • robとstealの違い

