

  • 今回僕が受験したのとは別の区分らしいですが、何処かで出会う可能性があるので、ちゃんと復習しておくに超したことはありません。
  • 昨日と今日のパートは、次回テストの一週間くらい前から集中的に復習したいのだが、うまいリマインダーは無い物だろうかな。
  • 1月に勉強始めた頃から思っていましたが、不思議と英語の勉強って苦にならないんですよねえ。最近はやってて面白いとすら思えているし。:-)
  • biannual: happening twice each year
    • biannual report
      • I'v forgotten how often that NewsPaper comes out.
      • ---- is published biannually.
  • easy-going: not easily upset, annoyed, or worried
    • Her easy-going nature make her popular.
  • in exchange for
  • durable: staying in good condition for a long time even if used a lot
    • Plastic window frames are more durable thatn wood.
  • affordable: to be able to do something without causing serious problems for yourself
  • draw on: to use money, experiences etc for a particular purpose
    • When ---- market is tight, many individuals draw on their particular area of business and hire themselves out as consultants. (意味不明?)
  • anticipate: to expect that something will happen and be ready for it
    • Organizers are anticipationg a large crowd at the carnival.
  • She's tying a scarf around her neck.
  • He's sliding down a ----.
  • shovel: AmE to lift and more earth, stones etc with a shovel
    • The workman shovelled loads of gravel onto the road.
      • gravel: small stones, used to make a surface for paths, roads etc
        • a gravel pit: a place where gravel is dug out of the ground
  • She's peddling down the street.
    • pedal down: to ride a bicycle
    • peddle: to go from place to place, trying to sell something
  • advisable: (not before noun) something that is advisable should be done in order to avoid problems or risks
    • For heavy smorkers, regular medical checks are advisable.
    • it is advisable to do something
    • ---- is advisable to dress appropreately to ----.
  • bewilder: to confuse someone
    • bewildered: totally confused
      • Benny looked around, a bewildered expression on his face.
    • bewildering: confusing, especially because there are too many choices or things hapening at the same time
      • There's a bewildering range of skin care product to choose from.
  • uncharted: not marked on any maps
    • The ship arrived at a previously uncharted island.
  • infirm: weak or ill, especially because you are old
    • Her grandmother is now old and infirm.
    • the infirm: all the people who are weak or ill
  • contingency: on event or situation that might happen in thefuture, especially one that might cause problems
    • contingency plan: a plan that you make in order to deal with a problem that might happen
      • contingency plan to cope with a major computer failure
  • allowance: an amount of money that you are given regularly or for a special reason
    • His father gave him an allowance of $1000 a year.
  • wheelbarrow: a small cart that you use outdoors to carry things, with a single wheel and two handles
    • The wheelbarrow is filled with ----.
    • One ---- has lifted the wheelbarrow.
  • chimney: a pipe inside a building that goes from a fire to the roof in order to let smoke out
    • a factory chimney belching smoke
      • belch:
        1. to let air from your stomach come out noisily through your mouth
        2. to give or send out large amount of smoke, fire etc
    • Dark smoke is rising from the chimney.
  • readily: quickly and easily
    • Computers make data readily avairable to users.
  • displaced: to make the place of someone or something
    • Coal is being displaced by natural gas as a major source of energy.
  • illegible: difficult or impossible to read
    • I'm not sure what this note says. Dad's writing is almost illegible.
  • culminate in something: if a process culminates in something, it finally reaches the highest point of development or the most important result
    • a series of minor clashes culminating in a full scale of war
  • alleviate: to make something less painful or difficult
    • a medicine to alleviate cold symptoms
    • Decline in ---- import has done little to alleviate concerns about the country's trade deficit.
      • deficit: the difference between the amount of something that you have and the hgher amount that you need
        • The directors have reported a deficit 2.5 million.
  • chef: a skilled cook, especially the chief cook in a hotel or restaurant
  • flip: to turn something over or into a different position with a quick, sudden movement
    • He's flipping through some ---- at his desk.
  • set oneself apart from ----
  • 日に日に書き写す量が増加中なのが気になりますが、覚えるのには効果的なので、できるだけ続けることにしよう。
  • このスタイルって、受験勉強の時にライトハウスでやっていたことが、Longmanに変わっただけで全然変わってないです。
  • 同じ人が考えてるのだから、突き詰めると同じ結論になる...といえなくもないが、全然進歩が無いとも言えるわけで。




