
  • マイナーアップデートのはずなのに、MOD周りの仕様がこんなに変わるってひどいと思うの。
  * fix minimap

  * adaptation to WoT
  * some bugs fixed
  * statisticForm: extraFields added
  * carousel: restored multi rows
  * carousel: added sorting on markOfMastery, xtdb, xte, damageRating and marksOnGun
  * added option in "battleLoading" and "statisticForm" sections:
      "vehicleIconAlpha" - opacity percentage of vehicle icon
  * added macros:
      {{allyStrengthStatic}} - ally team strength (static)
      {{enemyStrengthStatic}} - enemy team strength (static)
      {{allyStrengthLive}} - ally team strength (live)
      {{enemyStrengthLive}} - enemy team strength (live)

  * adaptation to WoT
  * complete refactoring of battle mods (AS2->AS3 migration)
  * markers and hitlog: shadow parameter "size" renamed to "blur"
    now all shadow sections have standard parameters:
      "enabled", "distance", "angle", "color", "alpha", "blur", "strength"
  * renamed parameters:
      "playersPanel"/"medium"/"formatLeft" => "playersPanel"/"medium"/"nickFormatLeft"
      "playersPanel"/"medium"/"formatRight" => "playersPanel"/"medium"/"nickFormatRight"
      "playersPanel"/"medium2"/"formatLeft" => "playersPanel"/"medium2"/"vehicleFormatLeft"
      "playersPanel"/"medium2"/"formatRight" => "playersPanel"/"medium2"/"vehicleFormatRight"
      "camera"/"arcade"/"dynamicCameraEnabled" => "camera"/"arcade"/"shotRecoilEffect"
      "camera"/"postmortem"/"dynamicCameraEnabled" => "camera"/"postmortem"/"shotRecoilEffect"
      "camera"/"strategic"/"dynamicCameraEnabled" => "camera"/"strategic"/"shotRecoilEffect"
      "camera"/"sniper"/"dynamicCameraEnabled" => "camera"/"sniper"/"shotRecoilEffect"
  * removed parameters (not required):
  * renamed parameters in the "iconset" section and changed value from folder to atlas name:
      "playersPanelAlly" => "playersPanelLeftAtlas"
      "playersPanelEnemy" => "playersPanelRightAtlas"
      "statisticFormAlly" => "fullStatsLeftAtlas"
      "statisticFormEnemy" => "fullStatsRightAtlas"
      "vehicleMarkerAlly" => "vehicleMarkerAllyAtlas"
      "vehicleMarkerEnemy" => "vehicleMarkerEnemyAtlas"
  * added macro {{clanicon}} with clan embled image path value
  * removed "clanIcon" section in the "battleLoading", "battleLoadingTips", "statisticForm" and "playersPanel" sections
    and in the markers
  * added options in all modes in the "playersPanel" section:
      "standardFields" - displayed standard fields in this mode and their order.
                         available names: "frags", "vehicle", "nick".
      "fragsWidth" - width of the frags column
      "vehicleWidth" - width of the vehicle name column
      "nickMinWidth" - minimum width of the player's name column
      "nickMaxWidth" - maximum width of the player's name column
      "expandAreaWidth" - width of area for switching to "large" mode on mouse over
      "vehicleIconXOffsetLeft" - offset of X value for vehicle icon for left side
      "vehicleIconXOffsetRight" - offset of X value for vehicle icon for right side
      "vehicleLevelXOffsetLeft" - offset of X value for vehicle level for left side
      "vehicleLevelXOffsetRight" - offset of X value for vehicle level for right side
      "fragsXOffsetLeft" - offset of X value for frags column for left side
      "fragsXOffsetRight" - offset of X value for frags column for right side
      "nickXOffsetLeft" - offset of X value for player name column for left side
      "nickXOffsetRight" - offset of X value for player name column for right side
      "vehicleXOffsetLeft" - offset of X value for vehicle name column for left side
      "vehicleXOffsetRight" - offset of X value for vehicle name column for right side
  * removed options in the "playersPanel" section:
  * camera zoom indicator implemented as extra field with all its options
  * clock is using php format (http://php.net/date)
  * global macros, including {{py:f()}}, can be used in the "battle"/"elements" section
  * changed "carousel"/"scrollingSpeed" value, now it is multiplier for default scrolling rate
  * option "markers"/"useStandardMarkers" renamed to "markers"/"enabled"
  * option "markers"/*/"vehicleIcon"/"scaleX" renamed to "offsetX"
  * option "markers"/*/"vehicleIcon"/"scaleY" renamed to "offsetY"
  * default value for "vehicleIcon"/"offsetY" changed fro 16 to 0
  * config format of the text fields in markers and battleLabels are changed to
    common extraFields config format
  * option "visible" everywhere changed to "enabled" for unification
  * removed option "hotkeys"/"battleLabelsHotKeys" - not required
  * removed option "battle"/"allowLabelsOnBattleInterface" - not required
  * changed anchor for "bindToIcon" option in the extra fields
  * changed hitlog macros - added "hitlog." prefix (see macros.txt)
  * removed "hpLeft" section - use {{hp*}} macros
  * added {{comment}} macro to show comment for player from contacts
  * added option "battle"/"sixthSenseDuration" - duration of the sixth sense indicator
  * removed option "hitLog"/"direction" - not required
  * Minimap is not ready. Some functionality may work incorrectly or may not work at all. (will be fixed in future releases)
  * Option "carousel"/"rows" does not implemented. (postponed because it may be implemented by WG)
  * Some functionality may work incorrectly with "autoReloadConfig": true
  * Service record: List of tanks may scroll to the middle in some configurations