update 9.14

  • アジアサーバではまだだけど、xvmで9.14がリリースされてるのでロシアサーバとかは既に適用されてるのかな。例によってMODのアップデートを集める作業になるけど、いちばん面倒なのはxvmのアップデートだなあ。自分でいじりまくってしまったのでどうしようもないけど。

* adaptation to WoT 0.9.14
* macro {{cellsize}} can be used in like other global macros
* added new options:
"minimap"/"useStandardCircles" - use standard circles
"minimap"/"useStandardLabels" - use standard labels
"minimap"/"useStandardLines" - use standard lines
"tooltips"/"fontSize" - size of the font in vehicle tooltips
"tooltips"/"fontName" - name of the font in vehicle tooltips
"tooltips"/"goldColor" - color for premium shells etc. in vehicle tooltips
* added new section "battleLoadingTips" for new battle loading screen views
* added new options in the "battleLoading" and "battleLoadingTips" sections:
"nameFieldShowBorder" - show border for name field (useful for config tuning)
"vehicleFieldShowBorder" - show border for vehicle field (useful for config tuning)
"nameFieldWidthDeltaLeft" - width delta for allies player names field
"nameFieldWidthDeltaRight" - width delta for enemies player names field
"vehicleFieldWidthDeltaLeft" - width delta for "formatLeftVehicle" field
"vehicleFieldWidthDeltaRight" - width delta for "formatRightVehicle" field
* added new options in the "statisticForm" section:
"nameFieldShowBorder" - show border for name field (useful for config tuning)
"vehicleFieldShowBorder" - show border for vehicle field (useful for config tuning)
"fragsFieldShowBorder" - show border for frags field (useful for config tuning)
* removed obsolete option: