Germany's Roadmap For A Greek Return To The Drachma | Zero Hedge

  • ここまで引っ張って放り出すなら、最初から放り出しておけばよいのにと言いたいけど、本当にそうなったらどういう手続きが発生するのかには興味ある。banking holidayとか。

Greece gets out of the Euro and reintroduces Drachma. "It wouldn’t be that easy since to avoid panic and a bank run, a banking holiday (perhaps a week) would be necessary.Even with capital controls with foreign contries, the process would remain technically difficult. For the Greeks this would mean serious consequences as loans would see the value drop and prices would go up. On the short term, the competitiveness of the country would improve. According to economists, a 50% depreciation would be necessary.