- 8-1 601-630 20/30
- うーん、忘れてること多し。まあ、この本自体二週目の半分くらいまで来たところで secuadn に全力投入することになってしまった感じなので、それ自体はやむなしと思っていますが。
- 直前一週間で、キム本とスーパートレーニングを見直して、過去問をやり直して、土日で模擬試験を一回やって感覚を取り戻さないと、予想以上に悲惨な結果になりそうだ。
- 特殊な複数形の単語
- mouce -> mice, child -> children, tooth -> teeth, foot -> feet, woman -> women
- 単複同型
- 不可算名詞
- equipment, furniture, information, advice, knowledge, homework, work, news
- When I arrived, many of my friends were eating pizza and they asked me if I wanted any.
- either: 否定文を受けて、〜もまた〜しない
- Although these days must people are not regular churchgoers, come Christmas day people nationwide go to church.
- go to church: 礼拝に行くの意 特定の協会に行くこととは異なる
- come + 時を表す名詞: 時がくると
- come christmas, come spring
- 冠詞無しで使う名詞
- 食事
- eat breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper
- 形容詞が付くときは、限定詞が必要。
- I had a Japanese breakfast.
- 建物を本来の目的で使う場合
- go to school 勉強をしに学校に行く
- go to bed 寝るためにベッドに行く
- in prison
- be taken to hospital
- go to church
- 間違っても、go to のtoは省略できませんよ?
- 食事
- fleece: the wooly coat of a sheep
- soak: if you soak something or let it soak, you keep it covered with a liquid for a period of time, especially in order to make it softer or easier to clean
- Soak the beans overnight.
- 加算名詞用の数え方
- a large amount of
- severl
- many
- a few
- 不可算名称の数え方
- a great deal of
- much
- a large amounto f
- a little
- 両方大丈夫
- a lot of
- plenty of
- some
- any
- 〜 of + 限定詞
- some/any/many/several/all/none/one 〜 + of + 名詞
- 名詞には限定詞をつける必要がある。
- some of my friends, many of these books, one of the people
- none以外は名詞に直付けしてよい
- some books, several people, one car
- some/any/many/several/all/none/one 〜 + of + 名詞
- 限定詞
- 「どの」名詞かを限定する
- 不可算名詞と可算名詞の交換
- UC -> C
- サイズ、量、企画が同じものを数える
- They ordered two coffees.
- I always take 3 sugars in my tea.
- I saw a lot of cheeses on my shelf.
- サイズ、量、企画が同じものを数える
- C -> UC
- 個数ではなく、量で量るとき。特に食べ物。
- I ate some chicken for dinner.
- a chickenだと、一羽丸ごと
- I put some apple on the cake
- すり下ろしたリンゴなどの意
- I ate some chicken for dinner.
- 個数ではなく、量で量るとき。特に食べ物。
- UC -> C
- Many/Some of the government departments are supporsed to cease to exist after the restructing next spring.
- We will buy a new PC because I've just found we're short of computer power.
- この時点ではどのPCを買うか限定できていないので、aとなる。
- anotherとthe othher
- another == an + other == ●●● + ○○○...○
- 総数が特定されていない○のうちの、どれか一個。
- the other == ●●● + ○
- ○の総数は、ただ一つに限定されている状態。
- つまり、あるグループに属する要素の、残り一つを厳密にさす。
- another == an + other == ●●● + ○○○...○
- When I broke my right arm, I had to use the other arm to eat.
- anotherだと、腕が三本以上あることになる。
- The team leader couldn't come to so another member come.
- the otherだと、チーム構成員が自分ともう一人だけになってしまう。、
- go to bed
- 「寝る」の意味なら限定詞は不要だが、特定の場所としてのベッドなら必要。
- After a long hard day training, I was extremely tired so I went to the bed in my room and settled down for the night.
- any person: 単数形
- Any person currently enrolled on thhe cources have to indicate their specialization preference by the end of the week.
- by bicycle or on my bicycle
- I go to the station by bicycle.
- I go to the station on my bicycle.
- by + 交通機関 -> 無冠詞
- 限定するときは、in/onを使う
- in: car/taxi
- on: それ以外
- I went there by taxi/bus/ship/plane.
- I went there in Tom's car/the taxi.
- I went there on the ship/that bus.
- wife -> wives
- It was thought that either his mother or father would attend the meeting but neither of them are likely to come.
- All of the school is taken part in a street parade in September, and so every student is buy building the float.
- I broke my arm after slipping on some banana which my baby daughter had spat out onto the floor.
- spit out: to blow a small amount of slaiva (= the liquid in your mouth) out of your mouth
- Mom, Judy spit at me!
- a banana -> 一本のバナナ
- some banana -> バナナの一部(はき出したの意なので、こちらが正しい)
- spit out: to blow a small amount of slaiva (= the liquid in your mouth) out of your mouth