- 3-2 (181-210) 26/30
- 昨日の分で一気に勘が戻ってきたかもです。
- ところで、初めてこの本をやったときは、文章構造の把握にとても困難を覚えた記憶がありますが、その点で困難を覚えることはほとんど無くなった。文章を覚えているわけではないので、底力が上がってきたと信じましょう。:-)
- had better / would rather + 原型動詞
- ought not to -> oughtn'tという表現がある
- would likeの過去形 -> would have liked
- I would have liked to see if you came to Japan last week.
- storage shed: 物置
- The compnay hasn't been able to increase its profits in the past few years.
- in the past few years: 数年前から現在まで: 現在完了時制
- 深読みしすぎて、過去完了形を使わないように
- The secretary can't have known of the meeting because she was on vacation.
- must have known: 〜にだったに違いない
- 反対はcan't / couldn't have done
- must not have done出はないので注意
- canが未来を表す場合
- 習慣的な事実を表す
- ○ It can rain a lot in Dec in the region.
- × It can rain a lot tomorrow.
- mayとかmightとかcouldとかだったらOk
- I might not be able to attend the conference since i am out of the company at that time.
- 後半はtime tableの話なので、現在形でもOKです
- maybe (adj): used like perhaps to say that something may happen or may be true but you are not certain
- ながらくmay / mightとmaybeの区別がついていなかった私..orz
- I know the police don't usually ask to see IDs, but, according to the low, they can / may do so.
- 2回mustと間違えた。文法だけではなく、文意を見るのを忘れないこと!