TOEIC 4/10


  • 直前の技術終了:-)
  • 来週からはキム本と語法・文法書に取りかかる。
  • Tipsとかknowhow本はキム本までで充分ですかね。
    • stroll: to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way
    • walkとworkの発音
    • with the execption of〜
    • collocation
    • 〜ingとbe p.p.の見間違い
    • staff"s"
    • letter of refference = diploma
  • こんなのわかんねーよ
    • More than fifty candidates applied for the position, many of them have excellent qualifications.
      • them -> whom
    • The automaker's newest model had expected to be released during the first quarter of next year.
      • had expected -> is expected