
  • Part1,2の復習
  • 20分ほど仮眠
    • stroll <-> stride
    • crutch: [usually plural] one of a pair of long sticks that you put under your arms to help you walk when you have hurt your leg
    • delicacy: [countable] something good to eat that is expensive or rare
    • adjacent: something that is adjacent to something else, especially a room, building, or area, is next to it
    • ajar: a door that is ajar is slightly open
    • steep: a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle
    • disembark: [intransitive] to get off a ship or aircraft -opposite embark
    • puddle: a small pool of water, especially rainwater, on a path, road etc
    • adorn: formal to decorate something
    • stool: a seat without any supporting part for your back or arms
    • swing by: 《句動》〜に立ち寄る,寄り道をする,《名》→swing-by
    • 卵の焼き方
    • reckon: to guess a number or amount, without calculating it exactly

"swing by"ってこういう意味があるとは知らなかった。どう考えてもスイングバイとしか思いつかない。しかし、試験中に

  • Don't you remember to back up all your files before went on your trip?
  • No, and I lost everything on my hard drive.
